Jewel Anemone Bloom

July 7, 2020

Once a year, the day after the full moon in July, there's a Jewel Anemone bloom. Since sea anemones are animals, that is to say there's a Jewel Anemone spawn. The males release sperm and the females release eggs into the ocean, hopefully they combine, and find a suitable place to grow.

There's a fair number of Jewel Anemone on the HMNZS Canterbury so it's a popular destination when they bloom. I was on a full boat of about 12 divers with Paihia Dive. The boat ride from Paihia to the Canterbury takes about 45 minutes so lots of time to prepare.

We got pretty lucky. As soon as we descended on the wreck, the bloom had begun. But it's not like they all go at once. It's a matter of waiting around and seeing if anything happens. The video below (in particular the second half) was the best one I capture of a male Jewel Anemone spawning.

Male Jewel Anemone Spawning

I also got some good still of some of the action. Things can get a bit ... cloudy.

Male Jewel Anemone Spawning

Towards the end of the dive I found this crayfish hanging out in an exhaust pipe posing for this picture.


More blooming.

Male Jewel Anemone Spawning

Unfortunately no one saw any female Jewel Anemone spawning. Apparently the release of eggs is quite distinct and you can easily spot the their definitive egg shape. Seems the males were just a bit over eager.

HMNZS Canterbury

Location: Northland, New Zealand


Dive Number:   163
Bottom Time: 37m
Time In: 9:59 a.m.
Tank In:
Max Depth: 29.50 ft
Table Used:
Mix:   Air
Safety Stop: 3m
Time Out: 10:36 a.m.
Tank Out:
Average Depth: 19.60 ft
Start Pressure Group:
Surface Interval:  
End Pressure Group:


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